All accepted papers will be published in a relevant “SCOPUS indexed journal”

Award & Rewards

Best Presentation Award

Offered for outstanding presentation considering every presenter of the conference, which is the most inspiring, effective and professional and are delivered through an impactful, authoritative and engaging speaker.

Based on the marks given by the evaluation committee for every presentation and Conference Chair's own reading of the papers, Conference Chair decides which presentation will receive the Best Presentation Award.

Session's Best Award

Based on the marks given by the evaluation committee including session chair and two evaluation panel members for an every presentation of an each session, Session Chair decides which presentation will receive the Session's Best Presentation Awards.

Best Poster Presentation Award

In order to identify best poster presentation from the poster session, conference organizing committee has appointed conference chairman to evaluate the poster session, Conference Chair decides which poster presentation will receive the Best Poster Presentation Award.

The final decision rests with the Session Chair, Evaluation panel and the Conference Chair. Evaluation panel comprises of persons with a sound academic or/and industrial background in the particular subject area.


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